NAV Navbar
  • JSON API Introduction
  • Authentication
  • Testing Sandbox
  • Error Codes
  • Resources
  • Leads
  • Lead Statuses
  • Inquiries
  • Reviews
  • JSON API Introduction provides a JSON API over HTTPS. Examples are provided for shell assuming basic usage of Curl. Other language exmaples can be provided if requested.

    You can report API bugs with github issues


    Requests require an API key that you can obtain by contacting us at engineering AT

    Authentication header example:

    curl "" -H "Caring-Partner: TOKEN_VALUE"

    Make sure to replace TOKEN_VALUE with your API key. Directory expects for the API key to be included as a header in all API requests and for the requests to be made over HTTPS.

    Request Header: Caring-Partner: TOKEN_VALUE

    Testing Sandbox

    For testing and debugging, we maintain a fully featured testing sandbox. To use the sandbox replace the hostname with

    Example request to the Sandbox environment:

    curl "" -H "Caring-Partner: TOKEN_VALUE"

    Error Codes

    The JSON API uses the following error codes:

    Error Code Meaning
    400 Bad Request -- Your request is malformed.
    401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong, or you're trying to be sneaky.
    404 Not Found -- not found.
    406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that we don't support.
    422 Unprocessable Entity -- There was an validation error in your request. See the returned error messages.
    500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
    503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.


    A resource is a care provider. To create leads within the APIs you will need to know the resource ID.

    Querying the collection


    curl "" \
      -H "Caring-Partner: TOKEN_VALUE"

    The above command returns a paginated JSON response like this:

      "results": [
          "id": 551,
          "address": {
            "address_line1": "2280 North Highway 29",
            "address_line2": "",
            "city": "Newnan",
            "county": "Coweta County",
            "state": "GA",
            "zip_code": "30265",
            "latitude": 33.4931,
            "longitude": -84.6741
          "care_type": "retirement_community",
          "caring_url": "",
          "chain": "Wesley Woods Senior Living, Inc.",
          "description": "Refund Plans: 90% of Entrance Fee; Traditional (Price: 66% (Avg.) of Entrance Fee). Assisted Living and Nursing Care on Fee-For-Service basis.",
          "name": "Wesley Woods of Newnan",
          "photos": [
          "thumbnail": "",
          "national_aggregator": false,
          "enhanced": true,
          "pets_allowed": "",
          "no_self_qualified": true,
          "special_comment_extra": "Experience the best of both worlds, small and large. Wesley Woods is a warm and friendly community located in Newnan, a charming historic town that boasts all of the modern conveniences and is just a short drive from Atlanta with its metropolitan perks and world-class airport. Click here for directions to Wesley Woods of Newnan.",
          "resident_capacity": 162,
          "local_resource_types": ["continuing_care_retirement_communities"],
          "homecare_pulse_awards": "",
          "dma_region_code": 524,
          "features": {
            "alzheimers_care": false,
            "diet": [],
            "languages": []
          "data_version": "69341935f928bf66fb339197103b371c"
      "page": 1,
      "page_size": 50,
      "next_page": 2,
      "prev_page": null,
      "total_entries": 14572,
      "total_pages": 292,
      "next": "",
      "prev": null

    Request Parameters (all optional)

    Name Description
    local_resource_type_id The ID of the resource type to filter by (e.g. 6, for assisted living)
    zip_code The zipcode to filter by (e.g. 94131)
    amenities A list of amenities to filter by, in the form amenities=computer_room=true,low_fat=true
    state_code State code to filter by state_code=CA
    page The page to return (e.g. 2)

    Response Attributes

    Name Description
    results A JSON array of resources
    page The current page number of the collection
    page_size The number of results on the page
    next_page The next page number of the collection
    prev_page The previous page number of the collection
    total_entries The total number of results across all pages
    total_pages The total number of pages that make up the collection
    next The URL to the next page of results
    prev The URL to the previous page of results

    Querying a particular resource


    (replace 12341234 with the ID of the resource you wish to query)


    A lead is the record for tracking customer interest for a resosource in the catalog. For tracking we allow an affiliate_lead_id parameter to be passed so you can conveneiently use your internal record IDs to lookup a lead record or provide a status updates.

    Creating a Lead

    HTTP Request


    curl "" \
      -H "Caring-Partner: TOKEN_VALUE" \
      -d '{
            "provider_id": "CARING_PROVIDER_ID",
            "affiliate_lead_id": "ID_OF_THE_LEAD_IN_YOUR_SYSTEM",
            "email_address": "",
            "browser": "Some User-Agent string",
            "care_location": "90210",
            "first_name": "Max",
            "last_name": "Powers",
            "relationship_name": "spouse",
            "phone_number": "3335551212",
            "tour_time": "09:00 03/13/2019",
            "type_of_care": "alzheimers_care_facilities",
            "phone_qualified": "no",
            "utm_source": "bamedical",
            "utm_campaign": "b2b+marketing",
            "ip_address": ""

    Request Attributes

    Name Required Data Type Description
    affiliate_campaign String Opaque string for the affiliate to use to store their campaign name. Max length of 255 characters.
    affiliate_lead_id String The ID of the lead your system if you want to continue to use that ID to track updates on the API. Max length of 255 characters.
    affiliate_notes String Free form text from the affiliate. Max length of 1024 characters.
    alternate_call_time Time of Day The preferred time to call the alternate phone.
    alternate_payment_method Payment Method A second way for the caregiver to pay for the care.
    alternate_phone_number Phone Number A second phone number.
    browser String The user-agent string of the caregiver's browser. Max length of 255 characters.
    campaign_url String The URL that the caregiver entered on. may access this URL for quality assurance purposes. Max length of 255 characters.
    care_location String The City and State (formatted as "City, State") or Zipcode where care is desired. For home-care services, a zip code is preferred over a city. will validate that this is a valid US region.
    email_address Email Address The email address of the caregiver. In addition to being well-formed, Email addresses are validated using a 3rd party data verification service.
    first_name String The first name of the caregiver. Max length of 255 characters.
    relationship_name ✓ (*) String The relationship of the caregiver to the care recipient. Allowed Values: spouse, son, son_in_law, daughter, daughter_in_law, granddaughter, grandson, sister, brother, friend, myself, patient_client, job, other_relative, unknown.
    ip_address IP Address The IP Address of the caregiver.
    last_name String The last name of the caregiver. Max length of 255 characters.
    living_situation Living Situation The current living situation of the care recipient.
    max_budget Integer The maximum amount the caregiver can afford in US dollars/month.
    min_budget Integer The least amount the caregiver is expecting to pay in US dollars/month.
    notes String Free form text from the caregiver. Max length of 1024 characters.
    payment_method Payment Method How will the caregiver pay for the care.
    phone_number Phone Number The primary phone number for contacting the caregiver.
    phone_qualified Affirmation Whether the affiliate has qualified the caregiver by phone.
    preferred_call_time Time of Day The preferred time to call the primary phone.
    provider_id String The ID of the provider for which this lead is being submitted.
    source_channel Traffic Channel The traffic source used to acquire the lead.
    tour_time Appointment The date and time when the caregiver will tour the provider.
    type_of_care Care Type What kind of care is being sought. Allowed Values: alzheimers_care_facilities, assisted_living_facilities, continuing_care_retirement_communities, geriatric_care_managers, home_healthcare_agencies, homecare_agencies, hospices, independent_living, nursing_homes.
    utm_source String Inbound tracking params for things like GA.
    utm_campaign String Inbound tracking params for things like GA.

    A successful response will respond with HTTP 200 OK and JSON like this:

        "result": {
            "id": 7558089,
            "tour_time": "09:00 03/13/2019",
            "affiliate_campaign": null,
            "affiliate_lead_id": "ID_OF_THE_LEAD_IN_YOUR_SYSTEM",
            "affiliate_notes": null,
            "alternate_call_time": null,
            "alternate_payment_method": null,
            "alternate_phone_number": null,
            "browser": "Some User-Agent string",
            "campaign_url": null,
            "care_location": "90210",
            "email_address": "",
            "first_name": "Max",
            "inquiry_for": "Spouse",
            "ip_address": "",
            "last_name": "Powers",
            "living_situation": null,
            "max_budget": 0,
            "min_budget": 0,
            "notes": null,
            "payment_method": null,
            "phone_number": "(333) 555-1212",
            "phone_qualified": "no",
            "preferred_call_time": null,
            "price": null,
            "provider_id": 115,
            "source_channel": null,
            "care_level": null

    Errors will respond with HTTP 400 Bad Request and contain JSON formatted error messages:

        "error_code": 400,
        "error_message": "Validation Failed",
        "errors": [
                "field": "ip_address",
                "message": "ip_address is required."
                "field": "phone_qualified",
                "message": "phone_qualified is required."
                "field": "phone_qualified",
                "message": "phone_qualified must be 'yes' or 'no'."
                "field": "provider_id",
                "message": "provider_id with ID CARING_PROVIDER_ID does not exist."

    HTTP Response Statuses

    Status Description
    200 Success
    400 Validation Failed
    401 Unauthorized

    Lead Statuses

    A Lead Status is a record for tracking the progress of a lead. We're interested in as much detail as you can provide. See See Allowed Statuses below to map your CRM statuses and Events on to Lead Statuses.

    Creating a Lead Status

    HTTP Request


    curl "" \
      -H "Caring-Partner: TOKEN_VALUE" \
      -d '{
            "lead_id": "1234",
            "status": "valid_lead",
            "sub_status": "timeframe_30",
            "notes": "After speaking with the customer, they will likely be moving within 30 days."

    Request Attributes

    Parameter Type Description
    lead_id String The id returned of the lead created on the API
    affiliate_lead_id String The id of the lead in your system. If you passed us this field on creation, you may use this param in place of lead_id for sending statuses. Normally, prefer lead_id
    status String One of the allowed lead statuses. See Allowed Statuses
    sub_status String A more granular reason for the lead status. See Allowed Statuses
    tour_time DateTime String An Hour of Day and a Date separated by a space. Ex: 07:00 01/31/2019, 13:00 12/25/2019
    notes String A string providing extra information about a lead. Limit 2,000 characters.

    A successful response will respond with an HTTP 200 OK and JSON like this:

        "lead_id": 1234,
        "source": "affiliate",
        "status": "valid_lead",
        "sub_status": "timeframe_30",
        "notes": "After speaking with the customer, they will likely be moving within 30 days.",
        "tour_date": null,
        "tour_time": "",
        "tour_completed_at": null,
        "moved_in_at": null,
        "created_at": "2019-02-28T17:07:09.000-08:00",
        "processed": false,
        "created_by": ""

    Error responses will contain JSON formatted error messages:

        "error_code": 400,
        "error_message": "Validation Failed",
        "errors": [
                "field": "status",
                "message": "status \"valid_leads\" is not a legal status. Must be one of valid_lead, accepted, changed_community, closed, community_not_appropriate, dummy_closed, email_only, inactive, interested_later, invalid_lead, memo, move_in_commitment, move_in_canceled, moved_in, moved_in_elsewhere, moved_in_elsewhere_commitment, moved_in_regulatory_exception, moved_out, mystery_shopper, no_interest_community, not_qualified, owner_changed, provider_qualified, reported_moved_in, reported_wait_list, tour_cancelled, tour_completed, tour_confirmed, tour_scheduled, tour_rescheduling, wait_list, reserved, receiving_care, pending, sold, credited_move_in, lead_received, lead_not_received"

    Allowed Status and Sub-Status

    The following is a complete set of status and sub_status pairs that we allow to be sent for updates.

    Status Sub Status
    valid_lead timeframe_30
    valid_lead timeframe_90
    valid_lead timeframe_gt_90
    closed required_care_unavailable
    closed received_lead_previously
    closed deceased
    invalid_lead unable_to_contact
    invalid_lead deceased
    invalid_lead bad_contact_information
    move_in_commitment N/A
    not_qualified too_young
    owner_changed N/A
    tour_completed N/A
    tour_confirmed N/A
    tour_scheduled N/A
    tour_rescheduling N/A
    wait_list N/A
    closed too_independent
    closed too_much_care
    closed too_young
    closed budget_too_low

    HTTP Response Statuses

    Status Description
    200 Success
    400 Validation Failed
    401 Unauthorized


    An Inquiry is basically a lead without a provider_id. For a list of parameters See Creating a Lead

    Creating an Inquiry

    HTTP Request


    curl "" \
      -H "Caring-Partner: TOKEN_VALUE" \
      -d '{
            "affiliate_lead_id": "ID_OF_THE_LEAD_IN_YOUR_SYSTEM",
            "email_address": "",
            "browser": "Some User-Agent string",
            "care_location": "90210",
            "first_name": "Max",
            "last_name": "Powers",
            "relationship_name": "spouse",
            "phone_number": "3335551212",
            "tour_time": "09:00 03/13/2019",
            "type_of_care": "alzheimers_care_facilities",
            "phone_qualified": "no",
            "utm_source": "bamedical",
            "utm_campaign": "b2b+marketing",
            "ip_address": ""


    Querying reviews

    curl "[resource_id]=1229142" \
      -H "Caring-Partner: TOKEN_VALUE"

    The above command returns JSON API response structured like this:

        "data": [
                "id": "1148701",
                "type": "local_reviews",
                "attributes": {
                    "resource_id": 1229142,
                    "resource_url": "",
                    "resource_name": "Villages of Lake Highlands",
                    "title": "I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident",
                    "content": "This is a really good review",
                    "rating": 5,
                    "staff_score": 4,
                    "activities_score": 3,
                    "food_score": 2,
                    "facilities_score": 1,
                    "value_score": 0,
                    "provider_response": "Thank you for your wonderful review",
                    "moderation_status": "approved",
                    "moderated_at": "2017-07-20T14:42:44.000-07:00",
                    "author": {
                        "name": "Satisfied Reviewer",
                        "email": "",
                        "url": ""
                    "origin_url": "",
                    "created_at": "2017-07-17T10:35:15.000-07:00",
                    "updated_at": "2017-07-21T19:23:11.000-07:00"
        "links": {
            "self": "",
            "next": "",
            "last": ""

    This endpoint retrieves a paginated list of reviews ordered by last_modified by default.

    To stay up to date, we recommend that you periodically check the reviews collection ordered by last_modified so you can efficently get the updates you need as moderation statuses or review content changes.

    Filter Parameters

    To filter the collection you can use any of the following parameters in the filter parameter.


    Parameter Type Description
    resource_id List of comma separated resource IDs ID of the reviewed resource. Ex: filter[resource_id]=1234,5678 for multiple resources or filter[resource_id]=1234 for single one.
    property_id List of comma separated property IDs ID of the property that connects multiple resource type. Ex: filter[property_id]=1234,5678 for multiple properties or filter[property_id]=1234 for single one.
    resource_url Url The url of the reviewed resource.
    resource_name String The name of the reviewed resource.
    chain_name String The name of the chain owning the reviewed resource.
    author_name String The screen name of the author of the review.
    author_email Email Address The email address of the user posting the review.
    author_url Url A personal url to the author of the review.
    moderation_status Enum('approved', 'rejected', 'further_review', 'spam') The moderation status of the review.
    sort String A sort clause made up of a field and direction Ex: filter[sort]=id+asc filters ids ascending.

    Pagination Parameters


    Parameter Type Description
    number Integer The page number.
    size Integer The number of items per requested page.

    Review Data Attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    resource_id Integer The primary key ID of the service provider that was reviewed
    resource_url Url The public URL of the service provider that was reviewed.
    resource_name String The Name of the service provider that was reviewed
    author Object name, email and url fields for the Author of the review.
    title String The headline of the review, typically a description of the reviewers relation to the service provider provider.
    content Text The full text of the review.
    origin_url Url A url to the site the review was created on.
    moderation_webhook_url Url A URL where you can receive moderation status updates as a webhook.
    rating 1-5 Overall Raring.
    staff_score 1-5 Staff Rating.
    activities_score 1-5 Rating of Leisure Activities.
    food_score 1-5 Rating of the food available.
    facilities_score 1-5 Rating of the facility quality and cleanliness.
    value_score 1-5 Rating of the value.
    provider_response Text A response to the review from the service provider.
    moderated_at Timestamp The timestamp of when the review was moderated.
    created_at Timestamp The timestamp of the review creation
    updated_at Timestamp The timestamp of the last time the review was modified.

    Get a single Review

    curl "" \
      -H "Caring-Partner: TOKEN_VALUE"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "data": {
            "id": "1132501",
            "type": "local_reviews",
            "attributes": {
                "resource_id": 1225974,
                "resource_url": "",
                "resource_name": "Lakeside Assisted Living",
                "title": "I visited this facility",
                "content": "Lakeside Assisted Living was nice, and I enjoyed the tour we had. The food was excellent, and the dining area was very clean and very appeasing to the eye. The staff was very nice, very informative, and met us as soon as we walked in. They had a beauty and barber shop.",
                "rating": 4,
                "staff_score": 5,
                "activities_score": 0,
                "food_score": 4,
                "facilities_score": 5,
                "value_score": 0,
                "provider_response": "Thank you for your wonderful review Daniel!  You are welcome anytime. We strive to provide quality of life here at Lakeside.",
                "moderation_status": "approved",
                "moderated_at": "2017-07-20T14:42:44.000-07:00",
                "author": {
                    "name": "Daniel",
                    "email": "",
                    "url": null
                "origin_url": "",
                "created_at": "2017-07-17T10:35:15.000-07:00",
                "updated_at": "2017-07-21T19:23:11.000-07:00"

    This endpoint retrieves a single review.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Description
    :id The id of the review to retrieve

    Creating a Review

    HTTP Request


    curl "" \
      -H "Caring-Partner: TOKEN_VALUE" \
      -d '{
            "data": {
                "attributes": {
                    "resource_id": 1225974,
                    "title": "I visited this facility",
                    "content": "The facility was new and in good repair. The staff was warm and friendly.",
                    "rating": 5,
                    "staff_score": 5,
                    "activities_score": 5,
                    "food_score": 4,
                    "facilities_score": 5,
                    "value_score": 5,
                    "origin_url": "",
                    "author": {
                        "name": "SatisfiedReviewer11",
                        "email": "",
                        "url": ""

    A successful response will respond with JSON like this:

        "data": {
            "id": "1148702",
            "type": "local_reviews",
            "attributes": {
                "resource_id": 1225974,
                "property_id": 123,
                "resource_url": "http://www.caring.test/local/assisted-living-facilities-in-salisbury-maryland/lakeside-assisted-living-salisbury",
                "resource_name": "Lakeside Assisted Living",
                "title": "I visited this facility",
                "content": "The facility was new and in good repair. The staff was warm and friendly.",
                "rating": 5,
                "staff_score": 5,
                "activities_score": 5,
                "food_score": 4,
                "facilities_score": 5,
                "value_score": 5,
                "provider_response": null,
                "moderation_status": "unmoderated",
                "moderated_at": null,
                "author": {
                    "name": "SatisfiedReviewer11",
                    "email": "",
                    "url": ""
                "origin_url": "",
                "created_at": "2017-07-28T14:34:47.259-07:00",
                "updated_at": "2017-07-28T14:34:47.259-07:00"

    Error responses will contain JSON API formatted error messages:

        "errors": [
                "source": {
                    "pointer": "/data/attributes/content"
                "detail": "can't be blank"

    Review Data Attributes

    Attribute Type Description
    resource_id Integer The primary key ID of the service provider that was reviewed
    property_id Integer ID of the property that connects multiple resource type
    resource_url Url The public URL of the service provider that was reviewed.
    resource_name String The Name of the service provider that was reviewed
    author Object name, email and url fields for the Author of the review.
    title String The headline of the review, typically a description of the reviewers relation to the service provider provider.
    content Text The full text of the review.
    origin_url Url A url to the site the review was created on.
    moderation_webhook_url Url A URL where you can receive moderation status updates as a webhook.
    rating 1-5 Overall Raring.
    staff_score 1-5 Staff Rating.
    activities_score 1-5 Rating of Leisure Activities.
    food_score 1-5 Rating of the food available.
    facilities_score 1-5 Rating of the facility quality and cleanliness.
    value_score 1-5 Rating of the value.

    HTTP Response Statuses

    Status Description
    201 Created
    422 Unprocessable Entity

    Creating a Response to a Review

    HTTP Request


    curl "" \
      -H "Caring-Partner: TOKEN_VALUE" \
      -d '{
            "data": {
                "attributes": {
                    public_response: "Thanks for the positive review.",
                    "author": {
                        "name": "Jane Doe",
                        "email": "",
                        "title": "Community Manager"

    Request Attributes

    Parameter Type Description
    public_response Text The body of the response to the review.
    author_name String Name of the Author of the Review Response.
    author_title String Job title of the person responding to the review.
    author_email String Email address of the Author of the Review Response.
    author Object Convenient assignment of name ,title and email fields for the Author of the review.

    A successful response will respond with HTTP 201 Created and JSON like this:

        "data": {
            "id": "1",
            "type": "provider_review_responses",
            "attributes": {
                "local_review_id": 2,
                "author": {
                    "title": "Community Manager",
                    "name": "Jane Doe",
                    "email": ""
                "public_response": "Thank you for your honesty, we'll work to address those issues.",
                "status": "pending",
                "created_at": "2017-07-31T20:58:33.849-07:00",
                "updated_at": "2017-07-31T20:58:33.849-07:00"

    Errors will respond with HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity and contain JSON API formatted error messages:

        "errors": [
                "source": {
                    "pointer": "/data/attributes/author_title"
                "detail": "can't be blank"

    Querying a Response by Review

    curl "" \
      -H "Caring-Partner: TOKEN_VALUE"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "data": {
        "id": "2000",
        "type": "provider_review_responses",
        "attributes": {
          "local_review_id": 2,
          "author": {
            "title": "Community Manager",
            "name": "Jane Doe",
            "email": ""
          "public_response": "Thanks for the positive review.",
          "status": "pending",
          "created_at": "2021-10-08T14:56:45.000-07:00",
          "updated_at": "2021-10-08T14:56:45.000-07:00"

    This endpoint retrieves a single response to a review.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Description
    :id The id of the review whose response is to be retrieved

    Querying a Response to a Review

    curl "" \
      -H "Caring-Partner: TOKEN_VALUE"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "data": {
        "id": "2000",
        "type": "provider_review_responses",
        "attributes": {
          "local_review_id": 2,
          "author": {
            "title": "Community Manager",
            "name": "Jane Doe",
            "email": ""
          "public_response": "Thanks for the positive review.",
          "status": "pending",
          "created_at": "2021-10-08T14:56:45.000-07:00",
          "updated_at": "2021-10-08T14:56:45.000-07:00"

    This endpoint retrieves a single response to a review.

    HTTP Request


    URL Parameters

    Parameter Description
    :id The id of the response to a review to retrieve

    Moderation Webhook

    If a review is created with the moderation_webhook_url attribute set, a moderation action will trigger a request will be sent to that URL with an HTTP POST. This request includes all of the attributes that make up the review. The POST request will have a User-Agent header of Review Moderation Webhook and a Referer header of

    Example Webhook Payload

      "review": {
        "id": 1579647,
        "resource_id": 2664,
        "resource_url": "http://www.caring.test/local/assisted-living-facilities-in-salisbury-maryland/lakeside-assisted-living",
        "resource_name": "Lakeside Assisted Living",
        "chain_name": null,
        "title": "I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident",
        "content": "My grandmother and grandfather stayed at this facility for several years.",
        "rating": 5.0,
        "staff_score": 5.0,
        "activities_score": 5.0,
        "food_score": 4.0,
        "facilities_score": 4.0,
        "value_score": 5.0,
        "provider_response": null,
        "moderation_status": "unmoderated",
        "rejection_reason": null,
        "moderated_at": null,
        "author": {
            "name": "SatisfiedReviewer11",
            "email": "",
            "url": ""
        "origin_url": null,
        "created_at": "2019-05-17T01:58:37.000-07:00",
        "updated_at": "2019-05-17T02:10:34.000-07:00"